Source code for phantom.predicates.generic

from typing import Union

import typeguard
from typeguard import CollectionCheckStrategy
from typeguard import ForwardRefPolicy

from . import Predicate
from ._utils import bind_name

[docs] def equal(a: object) -> Predicate[object]: """Create a new predicate that succeeds when its argument is equal to ``a``.""" @bind_name(equal, a) def check(b: object) -> bool: return a == b return check
[docs] def identical(a: object) -> Predicate[object]: """Create a new predicate that succeeds when its argument is identical to ``a``.""" @bind_name(identical, a) def check(b: object) -> bool: return a is b return check
[docs] def of_type(t: Union[type, tuple[type, ...]]) -> Predicate[object]: """ Create a new predicate that succeeds when its argument is an instance of ``t``. """ @bind_name(of_type, t) def check(a: object) -> bool: return isinstance(a, t) return check
def of_complex_type(t: type) -> Predicate[object]: @bind_name(of_complex_type, t) def check(a: object) -> bool: try: typeguard.check_type( value=a, expected_type=t, typecheck_fail_callback=None, forward_ref_policy=ForwardRefPolicy.ERROR, collection_check_strategy=CollectionCheckStrategy.ALL_ITEMS, ) except typeguard.TypeCheckError: return False return True return check