Source code for phantom.interval

Types for describing narrower sets of numbers than builtin numeric types like ``int``
and ``float``. Use the provided base classes to build custom intervals. For example, to
represent number in the open range ``(0, 100)`` for a volume control you would define a
type like this::

    class VolumeLevel(int, Open, low=0, high=100):

There is also a set of concrete ready-to-use interval types provided, that use predicate
functions from :py:mod:`phantom.predicates.interval`.


    def take_portion(portion: Portion, whole: Natural) -> float:
        return portion * whole

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any
from typing import Protocol
from typing import TypeVar
from typing import Union

from .base import Phantom
from .base import Predicate
from .predicates import interval
from .utils import resolve_class_attr

N = TypeVar("N", bound=float)

class IntervalCheck(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, a: N, b: N, /) -> Predicate[N]:

# See issue as to why the numeric tower isn't used for kind here.
[docs]class Interval(Phantom[float], bound=Union[int, float], abstract=True): """ Base class for all interval types, providing the following class arguments: * ``check: IntervalCheck`` * ``low: float`` (defaults to negative infinity) * ``high: float`` (defaults to positive infinity) Concrete subclasses must specify their runtime type bound as their first base. """ __check__: IntervalCheck def __init_subclass__( cls, check: IntervalCheck | None = None, low: float = float("-inf"), high: float = float("inf"), **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: resolve_class_attr(cls, "__check__", check) if getattr(cls, "__check__", None) is None: raise TypeError(f"{cls.__qualname__} must define an interval check") super().__init_subclass__(predicate=cls.__check__(low, high), **kwargs)
[docs]class Open(Interval,, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`` as ``check``."""
[docs]class Closed(Interval, check=interval.closed, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`phantom.predicate.interval.closed` as ``check``."""
[docs]class OpenClosed(Interval, check=interval.open_closed, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`phantom.predicate.interval.open_closed` as ``check``."""
[docs]class ClosedOpen(Interval, check=interval.closed_open, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`phantom.predicate.interval.closed_open` as ``check``."""
[docs]class Natural(int, Open, low=0): """Represents integer values in the inclusive range ``(0, ∞)``."""
[docs]class NegativeInt(int, Open, high=0): """Represents integer values in the inclusive range ``(-∞, 0)``."""
[docs]class Portion(float, Open, low=0, high=1): """Represents float values in the inclusive range ``(0, 1)``."""