Source code for phantom.ext.iso3166

Requires the iso3166_ package which can be installed with:

.. _iso3166:

.. code-block:: bash

    $ python3 -m pip install phantom-types[iso3166]
from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Final
from typing import cast

import iso3166

from phantom import Phantom
from phantom import get_bound_parser
from phantom.predicates.collection import contained

__all__ = (

ALPHA2: Final = frozenset(iso3166.countries_by_alpha2.keys())
is_alpha2_country_code = contained(ALPHA2)
parse_str = get_bound_parser(str)

[docs]class InvalidCountryCode(TypeError): ...
[docs]def normalize_alpha2_country_code(country_code: str) -> Alpha2: """ Normalize mixed case country code. :raises InvalidCountryCode: """ normalized = country_code.upper() if not is_alpha2_country_code(normalized): raise InvalidCountryCode return cast(Alpha2, normalized)
[docs]class Alpha2(str, Phantom, predicate=is_alpha2_country_code):
[docs] @classmethod def parse(cls, instance: object) -> Alpha2: """ Normalize mixed case country code. :raises InvalidCountryCode: """ return normalize_alpha2_country_code(parse_str(instance))
CountryCode = Alpha2