External wrappers ================= A collection of phantom types that wraps functionality of well maintained implementations of third-party validation libraries. Importing from ``phantom.ext.*`` should be a hint that more dependencies need to be installed. Phone numbers ------------- ``phantom.ext.phonenumbers.*`` Requires the phonenumbers_ package which can be installed with: .. _phonenumbers: https://pypi.org/project/phonenumbers/ .. code-block:: bash $ python3 -m pip install phantom-types[phonenumbers] Types ^^^^^ * ``PhoneNumber`` * ``FormattedPhoneNumber`` * ``FormattedPhoneNumber.parse()`` normalizes numbers using ``PhoneNumberFormat.E164`` and raises ``InvalidPhoneNumber``. Functions ^^^^^^^^^ * ``is_phone_number: Predicate[str]`` * ``is_formatted_phone_number: Predicate[str]`` * ``normalize_phone_number(phone_number: str, country_code: Optional[str]=None) -> FormattedPhoneNumber`` normalizes numbers using ``PhoneNumberFormat.E164`` and raises ``InvalidPhoneNumber``. Exceptions ^^^^^^^^^^ * ``InvalidPhoneNumber`` Country codes ------------- ``phantom.ext.iso3166.*`` Requires the iso3166_ package which can be installed with: .. _iso3166: https://pypi.org/project/iso3166/ .. code-block:: bash $ python3 -m pip install phantom-types[iso3166] Types ^^^^^ * ``Alpha2`` - ``Alpha2.parse()`` normalizes mixed case codes. * ``CountryCode`` alias of ``Alpha2`` Functions ^^^^^^^^^ * ``normalize_alpha2_country_code(country_code: str) -> Alpha2`` normalizes mixed case country codes and raises ``InvalidCountryCode``. Exceptions ^^^^^^^^^^ * ``InvalidCountryCode``