Source code for phantom.interval

Types for describing narrower sets of numbers than builtin numeric types like ``int``
and ``float``. Use the provided base classes to build custom intervals. For example, to
represent number in the open range ``(0, 100)`` for a volume control you would define a
type like this:

.. code-block:: python

    class VolumeLevel(int, Open, low=0, high=100):

There is also a set of concrete ready-to-use interval types provided, that use predicate
functions from :py:mod:`phantom.predicates.interval`.

.. code-block:: python

    def take_portion(portion: Portion, whole: Natural) -> float:
        return portion * whole

All interval types fully support pydantic and appropriately adds inclusive or exclusive
minimums and maximums to their schema representations.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any
from typing import TypeVar

from typing_extensions import Final
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from . import Phantom
from . import Predicate
from ._utils.misc import resolve_class_attr
from ._utils.types import Comparable
from ._utils.types import SupportsEq
from .predicates import interval
from .schema import Schema

N = TypeVar("N", bound=Comparable)
Derived = TypeVar("Derived", bound="Interval")

class IntervalCheck(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, a: N, b: N) -> Predicate[N]:

inf: Final = float("inf")
neg_inf: Final = float("-inf")

[docs]class Interval(Phantom[Comparable], bound=Comparable, abstract=True): """ Base class for all interval types, providing the following class arguments: * ``check: IntervalCheck`` * ``low: Comparable`` (defaults to negative infinity) * ``high: Comparable`` (defaults to positive infinity) Concrete subclasses must specify their runtime type bound as their first base. """ __check__: IntervalCheck __low__: Comparable __high__: Comparable def __init_subclass__( cls, check: IntervalCheck | None = None, low: Comparable = neg_inf, high: Comparable = inf, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: resolve_class_attr(cls, "__low__", low) resolve_class_attr(cls, "__high__", high) resolve_class_attr(cls, "__check__", check) if getattr(cls, "__check__", None) is None: raise TypeError(f"{cls.__qualname__} must define an interval check") super().__init_subclass__( predicate=cls.__check__(cls.__low__, cls.__high__), **kwargs, ) @classmethod def parse(cls: type[Derived], instance: object) -> Derived: return super().parse( cls.__bound__(instance) if isinstance(instance, str) else instance )
def _format_limit(value: SupportsEq) -> str: if value == inf: return "∞" if value == neg_inf: return "-∞" return str(value)
[docs]class Open(Interval,, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`` as ``check``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": ( f"A value in the inclusive range ({_format_limit(cls.__low__)}, " f"{_format_limit(cls.__high__)})." ), "minimum": cls.__low__ if cls.__low__ != neg_inf else None, "maximum": cls.__high__ if cls.__high__ != inf else None, }
[docs]class Closed(Interval, check=interval.closed, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`phantom.predicate.interval.closed` as ``check``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": ( f"A value in the exclusive range [{_format_limit(cls.__low__)}, " f"{_format_limit(cls.__high__)}]." ), "exclusiveMinimum": cls.__low__ if cls.__low__ != neg_inf else None, "exclusiveMaximum": cls.__high__ if cls.__high__ != inf else None, }
[docs]class OpenClosed(Interval, check=interval.open_closed, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`phantom.predicate.interval.open_closed` as ``check``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": ( f"A value in the half-open range ({_format_limit(cls.__low__)}, " f"{_format_limit(cls.__high__)}]." ), "minimum": cls.__low__ if cls.__low__ != neg_inf else None, "exclusiveMaximum": cls.__high__ if cls.__high__ != inf else None, }
[docs]class ClosedOpen(Interval, check=interval.closed_open, abstract=True): """Uses :py:func:`phantom.predicate.interval.closed_open` as ``check``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": ( f"A value in the half-open range [{_format_limit(cls.__low__)}, " f"{_format_limit(cls.__high__)})." ), "exclusiveMinimum": cls.__low__ if cls.__low__ != neg_inf else None, "maximum": cls.__high__ if cls.__high__ != inf else None, }
[docs]class Natural(int, Open, low=0): """Represents integer values in the inclusive range ``(0, ∞)``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": "An integer value in the inclusive range (0, ∞).", }
[docs]class NegativeInt(int, Open, high=0): """Represents integer values in the inclusive range ``(-∞, 0)``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": "An integer value in the inclusive range (-∞, 0).", }
[docs]class Portion(float, Open, low=0, high=1): """Represents float values in the inclusive range ``(0, 1)``.""" @classmethod def __schema__(cls) -> Schema: return { **super().__schema__(), # type: ignore[misc] "description": "A float value in the inclusive range (0, 1).", }